19th September 2024

Search Cam Parish Council

Serving the people of Cam

Cam Parish Council covers two wards within the Parish Boundary, Cam West and Cam East, and consists of 16 elected and/or co-opted Councillors. All Councillors are voluntary. We always welcome applications to become a Councillor.

Councillors meet regularly to set priorities for spending, discuss local issues (including planning applications) and progress projects. Meetings are structured through Committees and working parties as follows -

Committees & Working Parties

Policies & Regulations

The Council must adopt and follow a number of policies and procedures in order to be effective and legally compliant. These are set out below for information -

Our Staff

We have a small team of dedicated staff that work together to deliver the range of services we provide. They can be contacted through our office in Noel Lee Way.

Council Priorities

Last updated: Fri, 17 May 2024 17:36