19th September 2024

Search Cam Parish Council

Serving the people of Cam

Back in November 2015, Stroud District Council adopted a Local Plan for the District which sets out where development should take place. This Plan replaced the 2005 Local Plan entirely, and provided a positive planning policy framework for the District.

Stroud District Local Plan adopted 19th November 2015

Plan Review

Central Government increased the numbers of houses each district is required to build which meant Stroud District Council's Local Plan was no longer viable. Over time, this will leave the whole of the district vulnerable to developers who could submit planning applications on any land. The process of review will protect areas from developers by strategically allocating preferred sites.

A subsequent document - The Emerging Local Plan has been drafted; this sets out the preferred locations for the minimum number of houses needed to satisfy the new Government targets - PLEASE NOTE: this is a draft document which has been submitted to a government inspector for approval.

Cam is a key development area within the Emerging Local Plan with 2 main sites being taken forward as agreed by Environment Committee on 24th October 2019. Details of these sites are explained on pages 93 - 96 of the Emerging Local Strategy (link below). They are known as PS24 – West of Draycott and PS25 – East of River Cam.


You can find more information by following the link below

S.21/1875/OUT | Hybrid application for residential development up to 795 dwellings comprising of 231 dwellings of a full application and remaining balance of up to 564 dwellings as an outline planning application, with supporting infrastructure and enabling works including: new vehicular access off the A4135, public open space, landscaping and drainage infrastructure. | Land West Of A4135 Draycott Cam Gloucestershire (stroud.gov.uk)


There is also a live application for the land at Upthorpe which investigates an increase from 180 to 315 homes on this site

2022/0369/EIAS | Request for a screening opinion: proposed additional housing development phases (phases h7 and h8). | Land At Upthorpe Cam Gloucestershire (stroud.gov.uk)

The overall picture of development in Cam.

The first allocation of housing contained within the original Local Plan (November 2015) is almost complete with Bovis homes building 141 houses along Box Road.

The following map sets out the full extent of development along the Box Road, alongside the areas still to come.

  • The red highlighted fields were allocated as strategic sites in 2015.
  • The orange highlighted fields have all had planning permission agreed outside of the strategic allocation.
  • There are 2 sites allocated for employment land, highlighted blue.
  • The yellow sections are the newly added sites from the Emerging Local Plan.
  • The faded yellow area is the proposed development at Wisloe. Whilst this falls outside of the Cam Parish boundary, it will still have a significant impact on infrastructure.

Please visit the office if you would like to discuss any of these plans in more details.

Last updated: Tue, 28 Feb 2023 12:36