19th September 2024

Search Cam Parish Council

Serving the people of Cam

The Cam Neighbourhood Plan has now proceeded through all but one of its formal stages. Following receipt of the examiners report, and the decision notice from Stroud District Council, the Plan can now proceed to referendum. See below for the Referendum version of the Plan.

Referendum is the last stage in the making of the plan when the community can vote for or against the Plan.

Due to the Corona Virus Pandemic, all referendums are cancelled until May 2021. Although the Cam Plan cannot proceed to referendum until May 2021, Government guidance and the Neighbourhood Planning Act is clear that significant weight will be given to a Neighbourhood Plan in decision-making, in so far as the plan is material to the application. The Parish Council can therefore confirm that Cam Parish has a Neighbourhood Plan in place that will be used by Stroud District Council.

The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and Cam Parish Council are very proud of the work the Group as done on producing an excellent Neighbourhood Development Plan and were delighted with remarks made by the Examiner of the Plan:

38. I must congratulate the Steering Group on the quality of this neighbourhood plan. It is a comprehensive, well written and presented plan that builds upon a clear vision for Cam and has a clear set of objectives which sets the context for the policies. It proposes a number of specific planning policies, which are backed up by proportionate evidence. The maps are clear and are a useful basis for decision making.

39. These neighbourhood plan policies add a local dimension which will sit comfortably alongside the Stroud Local Plan. They are distinctive policies which reflects the unique characteristics of the parish, and especially its landscape setting. The authors of the plan accept that the parish is going to change through the strategic allocations in the north-east corner of the village and have taken a positive approach which seeks to shape the new development so that it meets the needs and aspirations of the local community.

See the full examiners report below, followed by Stroud District Councils decision statement

Last updated: Thu, 30 Jul 2020 17:50