19th September 2024

Search Cam Parish Council

Serving the people of Cam

Neighbourhood Wardens (Stroud District Council)

The Neighbourhood Wardens work to create a safer, cleaner and greener district by engaging with the local community and actively responding to community issues.

Our Neighbourhood Wardens will help and support you with the following issues:

  • Supporting vulnerable people
  • Intimidating or anti-social behaviour
  • Abandoned vehicles
  • Bogus callers
  • Free home security and crime prevention advice
  • Hate crime and bullying
  • Litter, dog fouling and fly tipping
  • Graffiti

Simon Moulding is the neighbourhood warden for Berekley, Cam Coaley, Frocester, Slimbridge, Hinton, Hamfallow, Ham & Stone, Alkington and Stinchcombe.

Lisa's email address is simon.moulding@stroud.gov.uk

Further Information on Neighbourhood Wardens can be found on the weblink below.

Last updated: Wed, 05 Sep 2018 11:38