19th September 2024

Search Cam Parish Council

Serving the people of Cam

In 2014 local volunteers and the Parish Council put together a Steering Group to draft a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for Cam, under powers provided by the Localism Act 2011. This will enable Cam to put in place planning policies for the future development and growth of our neighbourhoods.

If you are a Cam resident, please feel free to get involved.

More about Neighbourhood Development Plans

A Neighbourhood Plan establishes general planning policies for the development and use of land in a neighbourhood, like:

  • Where new shops, homes and other developments should be built
  • Whether there are important local green spaces which should be designated for protection
  • Which sites could be developed for housing or employment
  • What new housing might look like
  • Whether there are other community needs e.g. car parking or community facilities

The plan can be as detailed or as general as local people want.

Neighbourhood Plans empower local people to get the right type of development for their community, but the plans must still meet the needs of the wider area and will have to take into account the Local Plan produced by Stroud District Council on the assessment of housing and other development needs in the area.

The influence a Neighbourhood Plan gives the community means it is worth getting involved!

The work of the Steering Group has been focused on a range of categories including:

  • Environment
  • Housing
  • Business & Employment
  • Services and Facilities
  • Transport

Cam Neighbourhood Plan, when it is completed, will be subject to examination and referendum by the people of Cam. If approved and supported by a majority of residents the plan will be adopted by Stroud District Council and become a statutory document to aid when developers/residents are looking at your parish for future development.
To find out more please email or call 01453 548884.
Contact: NDP Steering Group

Last updated: Thu, 02 May 2019 12:29