19th September 2024

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Cam Parish Council Neighbourhood Development Plan

Cam adopts the Cam Neighbourhood Development Plan

A Referendum relating to the adoption of the Cam Neighbourhood Development Plan was held for the Cam Neighbourhood Area on Thursday 6 May 2021 at the time of local elections.

On that day the people of Cam voted in the majority to adopt the Plan, meaning that Stroud District Council, the Local Planning Authority, will use the Neighbourhood Plan for Cam to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area.

Approval of this NDP puts Cam in an empowering position. Cam Parish Council, can use it as a constant guide and reference point in pre-application meetings with developers and discuss proposals in the context of the Plan and its highlighted policies. So for example -

  • Environment and Sustainability is a priority and the Plan specifies the policy of Protecting and improving our Green Infrastructure network to ensure a high quality environment for residents, including those with mobility issues and wildlife.
  • Developers will be supported only where they reinforce locally distinctive characteristics within the village. One of those characteristics is the very sylvan and green nature of the area – that is the extensive number of trees, snickets, road side verges, hedges, valued views and so on.
  • Movement and connectivity in the area is key and policies encourage the further promotion of foot paths and cycle ways in particular
  • Community Facilities and services must be protected as part of any new development – including Local Green Spaces of course
  • Employment sites also must be protected
  • Proposals that contribute to the vitality and attractiveness of Cam Village Centre will be supported

The Plan received many compliments and was even short listed for RIBA award. But that's not the end of the story. Councillors and residents need to use it to the benefit of the community.

Our district council are under pressure from government to build 12800 new houses by 2040. Cam is a primary focus for strategic growth and development in the southern half of the Stroud district. Currently in Cam 690 houses have been given the go ahead. There is a pending application in from Persimmon to build 1100, on a site that was identified by Stroud for 700 at Draycott, with an expected application for a further 450 since a landowner has sold his land there.

And further to that the fields behind Tesco, which attract hundreds of walkers, are earmarked for another 150-450 houses. This latter is something that local people seem ardently against and does not fit with the NDP. This could be the test then for its strength and of those using it.

Read the News article here

Cam from the air looking North from the Cam Peak area

Cam from the air looking North from the Cam Peak area

Referendum - 6th May

Last updated: Wed, 27 Apr 2022 10:08