19th September 2024

Search Cam Parish Council

Serving the people of Cam

In 2019 the NDP Steering Group on behalf of Cam Parish Council prepared a Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan for the Cam Neighbourhood Area. The Plan proposes a number of planning policies which, once adopted, must be used in the determination of planning applications within the Parish.

This draft was approved by the Council members and went to public consultation between 17th June 2019 and 29th July 2019.

Once that consultation was concluded the comments received were uploaded on to the parish Council's website and provided to members.

The comments received were then considered in detail by the Neighbourhood Planning group and consultants Place Studio. Amendments proposed are reflected in the Regulation 15 Plan which Cam Parish Council has now approved for submission to Stroud District Council, in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012.

Main Documents

Consultation Statement

Evidence Base

Local Green Space

Last updated: Fri, 24 Apr 2020 13:18