19th September 2024

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Serving the people of Cam



Cam Parish Council has been working very hard since the first public consultation into the rejuvenation of the playing fields was launched in October 2019. An exciting, innovative five-year plan was drawn up.

This is the story so far...


Improvements to the entrance to the site to give better driving visibility and safer pedestrian access were completed in September 2020. This involved shaving back the bank and the hedge to create extra ground which was tarmacked and reflective bollards installed.


The well-used perimeter footpath has been diverted to take walkers away from the skatepark. A new, 160 metre long tarmac footpath runs past the skatepark and past the Multi-use Games Area (MUGA) before rejoining the original path. There is also a short footpath linking the new path to the MUGA. The new footpath is slightly elevated and drainage pipes have been fitted at intervals beneath it to avoid waterlogging and the puddling issues which we're too aware of at Jubilee Playing Field. This work was completed in July 2021. Reseeding the area around the path with a mixture of grass and wildflower seeds was completed in September 2021.


Two new, exciting children's play areas were officially opened at Jubilee Playing Field with a fantastic fun day on Saturday 8 October 2022. A fenced play area for toddler aged children is situated next to the car park. Dogs are not allowed in this fenced area. A second, unfenced area with equipment for junior aged children has been created next to the toddler area.

The children's play areas were created after a series of public consultations where users of the playing field were asked if they wanted more play equipment, where they wanted it and what sort of things they favoured.

Cam Parish Council invested £100,000 in the project which was delivered by play designers Proludic Ltd.


Parking could be a headache at Jubilee Playing Field and therefore the car park has been extended by eight-metres. Further improvements were made by resurfacing the car park with new MOT Type 1 stone. Additional drainage solutions have been put in place in the form of a French drain and a 4-metre long soakaway, and a 2.1-metre height-restriction barrier has been installed. Three dedicated disabled spaces have been marked out within the original tarmacked area in front of the car park.

The Jubilee car park project cost nearly £30,000 and Cam Parish Council received a S106 grant of just over £20,000 from developers towards this. The rest was made up from parish funds. Road experts A P Transport did the work.


We love dogs! But they have caused one or two issues, namely dog poo and dogs off leads harassing other park users. Dogs are welcome at Jubilee Playing Field but they are not allowed inside the fenced toddler play area. We also request that dogs are kept on leads from the car park area to a point just after the fenced skatepark but after that they can be let off their leads to enjoy exploring.

But please, dog owners, remember to keep your dogs under control and pick up after your them. Otherwise Cam Parish Council will be forced to reconsider dogs at Jubilee Playing Field.

The regeneration of Jubilee Playing Field continues with consideration now being given to teenagers' needs at the site... watch this space!

Let us know your thoughts on our plans for Jubilee Playing Field.

By email: info@camparishcouncil.gov.uk

By telephone: 01453 548884

In person: Cam Parish Council, 4 Noel Lee Way, Cam, GL11 5PS


Last updated: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:19