19th September 2024

Search Cam Parish Council

Serving the people of Cam

In recent years the parish council has received more than £175k of CIL money in relation to the new housing developments in Cam. CIL receipts for developments are expected for the next few years, but the exact amounts are not known until calculated by the district council.

The parish council may determine how its CIL receipts are spent; however, any expenditure must meet the following criteria as set out by CIL regulations:
• The provision, improvement, replacement, operation, or maintenance of infrastructure; or
• anything else that is concerned with addressing the demands that development places on an area.

We are asking our community to put forward project ideas that will benefit Cam. The projects can either be delivered by Cam Parish Council, or by the applicant themselves

The above list will be used as a framework by the parish council to rank projects for CIL expenditure along with the following considerations:
Community Benefit – how wide an impact the project will have for Cam and how many people might benefit.

Costs and Funding – the overall cost of the project and any future expenditure it may generate, such as ongoing maintenance. Projects part-funded by the benefitting organisation or from grant funding may increase the ranking as it means more projects can be financed.

Deliverability – how practical the project is and whether there are likely to be barriers around the planning or legal aspects.

Environmental Benefits – that the project offers benefits to the environment of Cam and the surrounding area and showing no negative impact.

Secondary criteria under consideration may include:
• Projects that have a lifespan of more than 15 years.
• Projects that reduce running costs or increase revenue generation.
• Projects that mitigate the detrimental effects of development, such as those delivering infrastructure identified as being required in the community.
• Projects that connect developments to parish services and assets.

How to apply

Complete the accompanying Project Proposal Form and return either in person or post to: Clerk, Cam Parish Council, 4 Noel Lee Way, Cam, Glos, GL11 5PS or email your Project Proposal Form to: clerk@camparishcouncil.gov.uk

A copy of the Project Proposal Form can be found on the link below or you can pick up a paper copy from our office.

DEADLINE: Monday 3 June 2024, 09.00am

Who can apply

Anyone in our community can put forward a 'CIL Project Proposal' idea for us to add to the potential project list, as long as it meets at least one of the nine criteria in section 'What type of projects can we spend the money on' above.

We also welcome applications from local:
• voluntary and community organisations.
• registered, exempt or excepted charities.
• charitable incorporated organisations (CIO).
• not-for-profit companies limited by guarantee - you must be a registered charity OR have a not-for-profit 'asset lock' clause in your articles of association.
• a community interest company (CIC).

Considerations: The Council is unable to fund any political or religious organisations, or statutory bodies. Any capital spends (infrastructure) must be situated within the Parish of Cam.

The Project

We want to fund projects that work to make positive changes in our community. We want to support projects that involve people and communities from Cam from the start. So it's important to us that you involve the community in the design, development and delivery of the activities you're planning.

What happens next

We'll email to let you know we have received your Project Proposal Form.
• We may ask for more information before adding your project idea to the 'CIL Project List'.
• We'll try to let you know if your proposal is something we're interested in progressing further by the beginning of August 2024.
• If we're interested in progressing your proposal, we'll contact you to explain the next steps of the application stage. We'll ask for more information about your proposal and your organisation, including your organisation's financial accounts and current finances (if you are delivering the project yourself).
• After the Full Council meeting we'll be in touch to let you know if your proposal is being included in the final 'CIL Project List'.
• The final 'CIL Project List' decided by Council will then be put to the public vote.
• The Full Council will then meet to make a final decision.
• We will then make contact and let you know if your project has been awarded funding – and what the next steps are!

How Projects will be selected

The parish council welcomes input from local groups/ organisations or individuals for Projects on which to spend CIL money. If the proposed projects are within the CIL regulations and are items on which the parish council may lawfully spend, then a prioritisation process will be carried out and the criteria outlined in this policy will be used as a ranking mechanism. A prioritised "CIL Project List" will be maintained and will be referenced when CIL funding becomes available. Organisations proposing their own projects may be requested to put forward costed and deliverable projects with multiple quotes and supporting information, such as financial accounts belonging to
the beneficiary. The Council CIL Working Party will hold short-listing sessions and make recommendations to Full Council. Full Council will then agree its future CIL Projects List
and level of priority in respect of all project concepts. Full council meetings are open to the public; however, the council may move into private session if commercial sensitivity is required in order to achieve best value for public money.

Points to note:
Inclusion on the CIL Projects List or meeting some or all of the criteria for CIL ranking, does not commit the council to fund the project; all council spending decisions are made by a majority council vote. The council will periodically review the CIL Projects List following receipt of CIL funds and may resolve to award funding on the basis of current priorities and available funds. The council may ask for supporting information to be provided, such as group financial accounts, or multiple quotes for the work; this list is not exhaustive.

Policy considerations:
In considering applying restrictions under this policy we will take into consideration our:
• Equality & Diversity Policy
• Health and Safety Policy
• Code of Conduct
• Staff policies
• Complaints Policy
• Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
• Town & Parish Council Powers For Spending

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge on developers and land owners made when liable planning permissions are implemented. It allows Collecting Authorities to help fund the infrastructure that is needed as a result of development.

Cam parish Council receives a 25% share of CIL monies collected by Stroud District Council for development within Cam Parish as a result of having a fully approved Neighbourhood Development Plan.

The funds are currently held by Cam Parish Council and any expenditure will be reported in accordance with the regulations.

Last updated: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 12:21