19th September 2024

Search Cam Parish Council

Serving the people of Cam


All of our Committee meetings are open to the public and are advertised at least three clear days in advance of the meeting date.

Please note that the press and public will be excluded from those parts of Committee meetings where sensitive information is discussed.

Terms of Reference

  • Committee TOR 2024 (Word Document, 126 Kb)

    Committee TOR 2024

    As approved by Full Council May 2024. Minute reference: FC.24.009

Working Parties

Working Parties will be formed to assist Full Council and committees to oversee a project or champion an initiative with a smaller membership of specialised or interested members.

They may be formed or disbanded at any time dependent upon the lifespan of any given project.

They may be held on-line or hybrid on request.

Working Parties
Terms of Reference

  • Working Party TOR (PDF, 119 Kb)

    Working Party TOR 2024

    As approved by Full Council Wednesday 15th May 2024 FC.24.010

Last updated: Fri, 17 May 2024 17:16