19th September 2024

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Serving the people of Cam

Nominations are now closed. The winner of the award will be announced at the Annual Parish Assembly on Thursday 30th May, 6pm

Clifton Community Award

The Clifton Community Award launched in 2023 in honour of Miranda Clifton's 30th year as a Cam Parish Councillor.

In addition to her dedication and commitment to the Parish of Cam, Miranda has also volunteered in a variety of roles since coming to live here.

One of the first was to become a school governor at Cam Hopton (for a few years), and has now been on the governing board of both Cam Everlands and Cam Woodfield Infant Schools for over twenty years. When the county council cut funding for youth clubs she was a founder member of the South of Stroud Youth Partnership (SoSYP) which was instrumental in re-establishing the youth club provision in Cam and Dursley we have today.

More recently she has joined the management committee of Cam Woodfield Youth & Community centre and is secretary to the hard working volunteers who look after the Centre. During Covid, like many people, she offered to help in the GL11 Community Hub Covid response, packing and delivering food bags, and marshalling at the vaccination centres. Now that normal service has resumed she helps with washing up in the kitchen on the Community Lunch days. She is a member of the group working on getting the Cam, Dursley & Uley Greenway established to promote a dedicated walking and cycling route from Uley to the station, and for relaxation she enjoys Wednesday afternoons helping maintain our flowerbeds as a member of Blooming Cam.

Miranda is a true example of a local champion and the Clifton Community Award represents those who are doing great things, often behind the scenes.

Details on how to nominate

Community organisations and individual volunteers make a huge contribution to lives throughout Cam. Helping to deliver critical services and providing social networks which reduce isolation and empower people to live independently for longer. This could be in a variety of ways, such as; helping others and keeping them company (befriending, luncheon clubs and shopping services), setting up projects and services such as food banks, encouraging others to be involved with projects, promoting a healthier lifestyle through activities like running and walking, or cooking and learning, contribute to a more sustainable living and development through recycling, litter picking, keeping your community clean and tidy, conserving wildlife and biodiversity or reducing their carbon footprint. and so much more.

To nominate a group or individual you know who has gone above and beyond for the community of Cam, please complete a nomination form.

Nominations for the award close - 20th March 2024

Eligibility requirements

The criteria for the Clifton Community Award are:

- nominees must either live, work or benefit the residents of Cam

- nominees must have had a positive impact on people living within the Cam Parish Council area

- nominated community groups must be constituted, not for profit and operate in the Cam Parish Council area

- community groups may be a branch of, or affiliated to, a larger regional or national organisation, as long as the volunteers started and developed the initiative for the activity locally, and the group's achievements go beyond what is expected of similar groups in the wider organisation's network

- nominated individuals must volunteer in the Cam Parish Council boundaries in the area of work for which they are nominated

- volunteers of all ages are eligible for nomination

- self-nominations will be accepted

Judging criteria

All nominations are judged on how the individual, organisation or project has:

- tackled issues that affect people living in Cam

- made a difference to their community

- helped get people involved and inspired others

The decision of the awards judging panel is final and the panel reserves the right not to make awards if there are no eligible nominations.

Terms and Conditions

To nominate someone to be entered into the competition:

- choose a voluntary group or person that you feel has made a difference to their community through their voluntary work

- complete the nomination form: Download from Camparishcouncil.gov.uk or paper forms are available on request

- it is the responsibility of all nominators to ensure that the nominee is aware of the nomination

- all nominations must be received by no later than 24:00 on the closing date.

All eligible nominees will be presented to the Clifton Community Awards judging panel consisting of:

- Chair & Vice-Chair of Cam Parish Council

- Chair & Vice-Chair of Recreation & Leisure Committee

- Chair & Vice-Chair of Planning & Highways Committee

- Clerk and Deputy Clerk of Cam Parish Council

- The winner of the previous year's award

Shortlisting will be based on information provided in the nomination forms.

The judging panel will make it recommendation to Full Council at its April meeting.

Full Councils decision will be final.

All nominees will be invited to an awards ceremony during Cam Parish Councils Annual Parish Assembly where the winner will be announced.

Data collection and protection

Personal information is collected as part of the nomination process to enable us to assess the nominations and to communicate directly with nominees and nominators. The contact details will be used to send letters/ emails.

Some information will be used to promote the community awards.

The personal contact information will only be used by the Cam Parish Council Officers and shared only with the judging panel.

By submitting a nomination form, you agree that Cam Parish Council may use the nominator and the nominees name and image on the Cam Parish Council website in relation to the awards.

thank you and good luck

Last updated: Fri, 17 May 2024 18:14