19th September 2024

Search Cam Parish Council

Serving the people of Cam

Project Expression of Interest Form

Complete this form if you have a good idea of something that needs to happen in Cam but need the Parish Council to work out the details and build a project. All ideas are welcome - there are no bad suggestions!

Council will consider these ideas alongside any formal project proposals it recieves

CIL Expression of interest form

Outline what you think the project should be – what it should achieve:

(Limited to 500 words)

(Limited to 500 words)

Project Proposal Form

Complete this form if you, or an organisation you are affiliated to, have a good idea which has been thought through, planned and costed to some extent.

CIL Project Proposal Form

The project name should be simple and to the point

If your project covers more than one area please tell us where most of it will take place

This is the cost of everything related to your project, even things you’re not asking us to fund. For example: If you’re asking us for £100,000 and you’re getting £20,000 from another funder to cover additional costs, your total project cost is £120,000. If you’re asking us for £60,000 and there are no other costs, your total project cost is £60,000. We do not need to know where the rest of your funding’s coming from right now.

This can be an estimate.

Please give us a list of budget headings (for example, salaries, running costs, training, travel, overheads and refurbishment costs). We do not need any costs attached to these yet, or a detailed list of items. If we invite you to the next stage of the application process, we’ll ask you for a more detailed project budget, including a year-by-year breakdown. But right now, we just want to check if these are things we can fund.

Tell us: • what you’d like to do • who will benefit from it • what difference your project will make • if it’s something new or if you’re continuing something that has worked well previously • we fund both types of projects.

(Limited to 500 words)

Let us know how many people you’ve spoken to, how they’ll be involved in the development and delivery of the project.

(Limited to 500 words)

Tell us: • any gaps in local services your work will fill. • what other local activities your work will complement. • what links you already have in the community that will help you deliver the project. • if this project is being delivered in partnership, tell us the names of your partners and the background of you all working together.

(Limited to 500 words)

If yes, how does your organisation’s experience and connections mean it is best placed to run this project?

This must be as shown on your governing document. Your governing document could be called one of several things, depending on the type of organisation you’re applying on behalf of. It might be called a constitution, trust deed, memorandum and articles of association, or something else entirely. You might find it on a registration website - for example, Companies House or a Charities Register.

Last updated: Tue, 09 Jan 2024 13:03